A critical part of closing the global justice gap: providing Justice for Refugees
By Leah Zamore, Maaike de Langen, Leah Guyot, and Nate Edwards
Over 100 million people around the world are forcibly displaced, according to the latest UNHCR estimates as of May 2022. This has increased from 89.3 million people at the end of 2021, requiring countries to find new ways to welcome displaced communities into their economic, social, and health systems. Low- and middle-income countries carry significantly more than their fair share of the responsibility and host over 80 percent of all forcibly displaced people.
See full story here: https://medium.com/sdg16plus/a-critical-part-of-the-closing-global-justice-gap-providing-justice-for-refugees-e6dae7f69cca
Originally published at https://medium.com on June 27, 2022.